Google 2012 page rank update

Google Page Rank Update Happened

Google Page Rank UpdateBy now you have realized that on Monday, February 06, 2012 your website has been through a Google page rank update again. The updates generally happen 1 time every 3 months.  Some woke up happy to see that their website received page rank and others are still scratching their head wondering why they didn’t receive any.

Methods For Attaining a Page Rank after a Google Page Rank Update

While there are many methods on how to attain a page rank for your website, we recommend a few different ways.  Generally link building from high quality relevant websites is the best way of attain a great page rank for your website.

Some have responded that they have had great success using the Google Chrome addon for SEOMOZ.  The addon will show the domains authority along with the actual pages authority.  I myself would rather find a great page authority with a page rank. As we know finding a good relevant website that has page rank is hard enough let alone finding one with page authority now.  I feel that if a page doesn’t have authority on it, it’s not going to really help you anyways, if SEOMOZ’s tools doesn’t even show that it has authority why would Google find it interesting which would result in a bad backlink.

If you would like us to help you implement a strategy for your website so you can attain a page rank come the next Google page rank update then please contact us today.

Conclusion To Get A Ranking After The Next Google Page Rank Update

So if you would like to get a page rank I recommend the following

  • Find a relevant website to your niche.
  • Find a website that you can submit quality information.
  • Don’t use Forum links, Blog Comments, and anything like these.
  • Make sure that the page has domain age.
  • Check to make sure the page has page rank.
  • Use Google Chrome and install SEOMOZ’s tool to check if the page your websites link would be on has any authority at all.
  • Submit to DMOZ – make sure you follow all of their rules to get listed.
  • All of the following above should help your website come the next Google page rank update

If you would like our help please remember that we offer affordable SEO services and we would be more than happy to help you.

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