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  • SEO Frequently Asked Questions


    What do you first look at to optimize my pages?

    Every website is different and has a different marketing strategy. So no website will be the same as the next website we work on. However some of the examples below are how we would start an on page optimization for your website.

    • 1. We always check your Title Tag to make sure it is being used properly.
    • 2. We check to see if you’re spamming your keywords on your page.
    • 3. We check to see if you using your H1 and H2 heading tags properly.
    • 4. We check to see if you using your Alt tags for your images correctly.
    • 5. Most webites don’t have meaningful content in the first 250 characters on each page. It’s a great idea to have a solid well written paragraph that includes what your website is about and some of your keywords.
    • 6. We check to see if you have less than 200 words per page.
    • 7. We check to see if you are providing enough meaningful content on your website. If you don’t have unique or enough content why would anyone want to visit your website?
    • 8. We check the way your link structure is setup.


    How long does it take for SEO results to kick in?

    Essentialy anything that improves on your website will begin immediatly whether it is site speed, how a spider indexes your website, or even content relevance. However for it to show up in a search engine it depends on a few factors. The first factor is the age of the website a older website with 15-20 pages will generally have results within 2-4 weeks. However a new website can take much longer, we generally see our best results after we attain a page rank for your website which could take 3 months. After we attain a page rank for your site it could take anywhere from 6 to 8 months depending on the keyword competiton level.


    What does my site ranking depend on?

    What your website dependents are today might not be the same for tomorrow. For example sometimes Google changes their algorithm as to how they rank a website. However with Google’s current algorithm we have found a few of the following factors below to work.


    1. Deep link relevant backlinks. If they aren’t relevant then they aren’t worth having. Never under any circumstance use automated software to submit your website to websites. Always take your time and hand submit them to insure the deepest most relevant backlinks possible.
    2. How many websites are like yours? Do you have unique website content? What information or set of tools do you offer for free?
    3. What kind of traffic are you targeting?
    4. How long has your website been around? It takes a minumum of 3 months before google will rerank your website.
    5. How much traffic do you get daily and where does it come from?
    6. Competitor sites getting more traffic than you and receiving a higher page rank.


    Does every page of my website really need to be optimized?

    Every page on your website is a possible entry point for a customer. We understand that it can be time consuming for larger sites to optimize each page, but it must be done. If a search engine can’t spider your page then it can’t index it either. So the answer is simple, yes every page must be optimized.


    Why are SEO services so expensive?

    SEO is a specialized science that requires a lot of research, thought, skill, and can be extremely time consuming to implement correctly. You must think though compared to other types of advertising such as offline and print advertising, SEO is much cheaper. If If you want the best return on your investments (ROI) your best approach for your dollars spent is purchasing white hat organic Affordable SEO . Not only is white hat better than any other type SEO tactic, it is long lasting. Some SEO companies will build your site up, but will use there own network of websites to accomplish this. This tactic can get you banned from Google forever if they catch you.


    Can you guarantee a rank #1 position in the search engines?

    A great way to tell if a SEO company is legit or fake is if they are claiming to get you rank #1 positions. Anyone would like to claim that #1 positions are 100% possible with SEO services, but there not. There are an amazing amount of factors to determine whether or not you will get a rank #1. Yes our company has gotten many websites rank #1 positions, but the fact is we can’t guarantee a rank #1 position.


    Return policy and Guarantee of our work.

    There are No Refunds, No guarantees, and you may not stop our service during the time you paid for. If for any reason you decide not to pay us and we worked on your site, we reserve the right to perform reverse SEO on your website at anytime we please.  This statement is accepted by you verbally and you acknowledge this if you purchase our services through any freelancing site, our website, or any other form of contact you may have received our services in.