Your Daily SEO Workout

What Are You Doing For Your Daily SEO Workout?

Recently I have talked with an overwhelming amount of companies in the past week and all of them had something in common. SEO Workout Image All of them did nothing daily for SEO.  Now pending on your industry this is hard, so take this with a grain of salt.  I don’t want anyone to feel like they have to do something everyday, but is your competitor?  Is your competitor doing something daily that will make their website better, stronger, faster, and better for SEO?


So your probably wondering, what can I do on a weekly basis to keep up with my SEO workout?

1. If you own a website, why not engage in keeping fresh content on your website.  Write something engaging that others would love to read about in your industry.  Fresh, unique, and relevant content goes a long way in any industry if used correctly.

2. Are you brand building? Regardless of what anyone says always try to stay active on your social accounts which is know as social engagement, social media marketing, and social media management.  Pending on your industry it’s generally not the best ROI.  Social sites are very high authority and search engines can read links that lead to your site from these profiles.  So in the long run this can help SEO.  It’s not going to be a night and day difference, but it helps.

3. Networking yourself – now this might seem crazy in some industries, but a nice gesture goes a long way.  Sometimes it can go so far it can lead to someone else posting about your company or what you have done for them.  Now are you going to receive something in return every time no and you shouldn’t expect it.  This is a very natural way for others to get to know you, talk about you, and again can lead to some links for your company or direct sales.

4. Take time to think about your next press release.  Did you work for a new client you are proud of?  If you did then tell others about it, don’t waste the opportunity you have to spread the word about your company.

5. Does your company give back?  Think about how you can give back to the community that supports you.  Do you offer a scholarship for your industry?  If not, why not?  Not only are you giving back, you are also obtaining a great natural backlink for your company.  Do you donate?  Donate to causes you are interested in and in some cases pending on what it is you may get a natural backlink from that as well.   Please don’t take this the wrong way and think of this as just a back-linking method, it’s also great to give back just because.


It’s obvious there are many other methods and tactics, but these are topics you should actively be thinking about for your company.  We have used this thought process for a long time and is probably the reason we are ranked as high as we are for 100’s of different terms.   If you need help doing any of these please take a look at our page or call us to find out more.



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