SEO Tactics To Stay Away From

We Have Been Asked 100’s of Times Over The Years About Which SEO Tactics We Use And Don’t Use

The SEO industry has been giving a bad name for the many SEO’s that offer unethical tactics to a customer that doesn’t know any better.  What generally happens is someone price shops for the cheapest SEO they can possibly buy, the end result is just that, they get the cheapest SEO. This however doesn’t mean that they get the highest quality or the most ethical tactics.  A lot of times cheapest generally means the most unethical tactics you can possibly purchase on the market.

Tactics you want to shy away from at all times

Web 2.0 Links – If someone offers you a bundle of these links, it’s a bad idea to purchase anything from this provider.  I am not saying web 2.0 are bad to post your blogs to, or post a few times on ever, but as a monthly tactic this isn’t a good tactic.  You are most likely just adding spam to the internet.

EDU or .GOV links – Please stay away from these.  Sure they may boost your authority up a little, but they are very unnatural.  If you get a manual review by Google chances are you are going to have to remove or disavow these. These in my eyes are very spammy.

black hat SEO image - don't use this methodBlog Comments – Unless you are truly engaging in a blog that is of interest to you don’t post, it’s that simple.  Don’t hire someone to post 100’s of what they call “high pr links” for you.  This is not only spammy, but could penalize your site in the long run.

Guest Posting – Most companies that offer you a list of their personal guest posting sites are generally grounds for getting you penalized.  This will not end well, I have seen clients do this, I have seen other SEO”s do this, it never ends well and never will.  Now, if for some reason you have something very interesting to add to the internet that is very informative and not spammy, then yes by all means add it on the internet in a proper area.  This should not be a normal tactic.  I feel maybe one or two on very high quality sites 75 DA or more is all you should focus on ever.  If you are trying to get 10 + of these out you are just spamming and you will eventually feel the spam when Google finds out.

Social Bookmarks – If you are actively purchasing xx amount of social bookmarks you are just spamming and so is the SEO that is doing this.

Forum links – Stay away from these all together unless the forum is an informative place you are learning, or it’s your own forum.

Stay away from packages offering 100’s or 1000’s of links, this is a recipe for disaster and is spam.

Stay away from companies offering $99 a month SEO packages, this will never work.  A press release costs more than this from Prweb.  There are other high quality press releases that don’t cost as much, but in general it isn’t possible to ever get a quality SEO plan for a cheap price.  Please note there is a difference in affordable like our company and a cheap company.  We guarantee the best price for the ethical tactics that we provide.  We can’t compete versus companies that don’t offer quality SEO tactics or long term plans.  We are setup to offer affordable SEO services that are ethical only.



So What Should You Focus On? 

white hat SEO tacitcs - ethical tacticsFocus on making sure your website is free of errors.  I have walked into billion dollar companies that claim they have the best SEO in the world and I find errors in the first minute that they had no clue about.  These errors may be small, but they add up quickly.  Make sure your are mobile friendly, your site is secure, you don’t have page breaks, you avoid duplicate content, you don’t have dead links on your site, you don’t have to many outbound links, you have no follow attributes on sites you do link out to, and overall just take the time to make sure your website is flawless.  If you are going to optimize your website at the very least make sure it’s setup correctly.

Onpage SEO – many have no clue at all how to do this.  A great example of one of the best onpage SEO structures I have ever seen on a large site is Diebold.  The onpage SEO is almost flawless.  There are a few errors, but not many.

Offpage SEO – build for brand purposes and authority purposes.  Don’t worry about exact match anchor texts.  These will come later on.  Worry about rising above your competitors for DA and PA (both moz abbreviations).  Be ethical about it.  It’s always better to have 2 very good high quality links than it is to have 1000 lower quality links.  The 2 posts will always outrank the 1000 links every time.

Purchase MOZ – MOZ is a great tool that can and will help your company.


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